2023-24 Season

S23/24 is our first ever season of all women playwrights!

Selling Kabul

Taroon, a former interpreter for the U.S. military, is hiding from the Taliban in his sister's apartment while he awaits the arrival of a promised American visa. But on the eve of his son's birth, he is determined to visit his wife and newborn child, putting his entire family in grave and immediate danger.

Regional Premiere

by Sylvia Khoury
directed by Jude Sandy


Raz Ayer
Awesta Zarif
Lois Abdelmalek
Ahsan Ali

Production Team

LeVonne Lindsay
Costume Designer
Cole Zwilling

Props Manager
Humaira Ghilzai
Cultural Consultant & Dramaturg
Valden Kamph
Production Manager

Hunter Smith
Stage Manager
Dirk Durossette
Scenic Designer
Lindsay Stevens
Lighting Designer
Ryk Lewis
Sound Designer


Step Mom, Step Mom, Step Mom

Kaila (a Black woman) and Louis (a white man) have a healthy, progressive marriage. At least, until they try to introduce a little kink into their sex life, when race politics prove to be more challenging and complicated than either of them anticipated.

by Jahna Ferron-Smith
directed by Matt Dickson


Jessica Johnson
Scott R. Sheppard
Donovan Lockett
Abdul Sesay

Harbour Edney
Lighting Designer
Adiah Hicks

Sound Designer
Cole Zwilling
Props Manager
Valden Kamph
Production Manager

Production Team

Hunter Smith
Stage Manager
Shaquan Pearson
Intimacy Director
Cecilia Shin
Scenic Designer
Illycia Buffaloe
Costume Designer


The Last Yiddush Speaker

In the years following a successful January 6th insurrection, a white supremacist regime has come into power. Paul and his teenage daughter, Sarah, live under the radar in a small town upstate as Christian-passing, despite being Jews who fled New York City. When an ancient Yiddish-speaking woman arrives on their doorstep, Paul and Sarah are forced to decide between fleeing again or fighting for their faith, their heritage and their identity.

by Deborah Zoe Laufer
directed by Seth Rozin


Kaitlyn Zion
Dan Hodge
Gabriel Elmore
Stephanie Satie

Emily Schuman
Props Manager
Valden Kamph

Production Manager
Brayden Stallman
Production Assistant
Dan Hodge
Firearms Coordinator

Production Team

Hunter Smith
Stage Manager
Eli Lynn
Intimacy Director
Colin McIlvaine
Scenic Designer
Katherine Fritz
Costume Designer
Drew Billiau
Lighting Designer
Christopher Colucci
Sound Designer


The Climb

Marge is a celebrated professor of photography whose only subject for the past seven years has been her wife (and former student), Tiffany. When Tiffany embarks on a month-long silent hike without Marge, both artist and muse try to fill the void left by the other, while reckoning with the impact of relentless objectification and the white gaze that have defined their relationship.

by C.A. Johnson
directed by Catharine Slusar


Ciera Gardner
Sam Rosentrater
Trevor Fayle
Claris Park

Production Team

Tyler Rocio Ecoña
Production Assistant
Michael Long
Projection Designer
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
Paola Nogueras
Brayden Stallman

Hunter Smith
Stage Manager
Noelle Johnson
Intimacy Director
Ant Ma
Scenic Designer
Natalia de la Torre
Costume Designer
Maria Shaplin
Lighting Designer
Shannon Zura
Sound Designer
Jo Vito Ramirez
Prop and Set Dressing Coordinator
Valden Kamph
Production Manager

 2022-23 Season

American Fast

by Kareem Fahmy
Directed by Seth Rozin & Zaina Yasmin Dana


Amel Khalil
Hend Ayoub
Abdul Sesay

Ontaria Kim Wilson

Production Team

Kareem Fahmy
Seth Rozin
Zaina Dana
Mellie Katakalos
Set Designer
Shannon Zura
Lighting Designer
Tiffany Bacon
Costume Designer
Jorge Cousineau
Sound & Projection Designer
Eileen Deisemann
Prop Manager


A Muslim American college basketball sensation is set to compete on the biggest stage, the women’s college basketball tournament. But this year’s competition coincides directly with Ramadan. What does it mean to be Muslim in an increasingly secular America?

Melody Wong
Stage Manager
Michael Hamlet
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
William Bryant
PSW - Technical Director/set designer
Joseph Nolan
Production Assistant
Nat Merrill
Assistant Projection Designer
Caitlin Shanahan
Run Crew
Eli Lynn
Intimacy Coordinator

The Last Parade

Three generations of a Jewish family living in Kyiv grapple with whether and where to emigrate in 1991. Will conditions in post-Soviet Ukraine improve enough for the family to experience better lives? Will America live up to its promise as a beacon of freedom and opportunity? And if a move should happen, will the family be able to stay together?

by Stephanie Satie
Directed by Seth Rozin


Adam Howard
Leah Walton
Ava Weintzweig
Tim Moyer
Tony Lawton

Tom Helmer
Stage Manager
Harbour Edney
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski

Audio Engineer
William Bryant
Technical Director - PSW
Chris Bratek
Managing Director - PSW
Sophia Pichanick
Production Assistant
D'Arcy Dersham
Dialect Coach

Production Team

Stephanie Satie
Seth Rozin
Chris Haig
Set Designer
Lindsey Stevens
Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre
Costume Designer
Christopher Colucci
Sound Designer
Kelly Palmer / PSW
Props Manager
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager


pay no worship

by francisca da silveira
Directed by Tyrone L. Robinson


Saiir Foy-Coles
Troy D. Wallace

Production Team

francisca da silveira
Tyrone L. Robinson
Colin McIlvaine
Set Designer
Lily Fossner
Lighting Designer
Ariel Wang
Costume Designer
Ryk Lewis
Sound Designer
Kelly Palmer / PSW
Props Manager
Eli Lynn
Fight Director
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager

On Fogo, a tiny African island in Cape Verde, both dreams and volcanoes are at risk of erupting as cousins Martin and Jose fight for opportunity, understanding, and their lives when a tropical storm threatens to destroy everything they know.

Tom Helmer
Stage Manager
Harbour Edney
Head Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
William Bryant
Technical Director - PSW
Chris Bratek
Managing Director - PSW
Andrew Beal
Production Assistant


Death of a Driver

A young and ambitious engineer moves to Kenya to build a critical highway and improve the country’s infrastructure with help from a local insider. But national politics and tribal feuds make the road to a more equitable society very bumpy. What are the unanticipated consequences of America’s well-intentioned meddling in another country’s affairs?

by Will Snider
Directed by Charlotte Northeast


Akeem Davis
Hannah Gold

Production Team

Harbour Edney
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
William Bryant
Technical Director - PSW
Chris Bratek
Managing Director - PSW
Andrew Beal
Production Assistant

Will Snider
Charlotte Northeast
Marie Laster
Set Designer
Drew Billiau
Lighting Designer
Asaki Kuruma
Costume Designer
Larry Fowler
Sound Designer
PSW / Kelly Palmer
Props Manager
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager
Tom Helmer
Stage Manager

2021-22 Season

The Chinese Lady

by Lloyd Suh
Directed by Justin Jain


Bi Jean Ngo
Afong Moy
Daniel Kim

Production Team

Justin Jain
Liana Irvine
Noelle Johnson
EDI consultant
Chris Haig
Set Designer
Melanie Hsu
Sound Designer
Maria Shaplin
Lighting Designer
Ariel Wang
Costume Designer
Jo Vito Ramírez
Prop Supervisor
Dalton Whiting
Assistant Set Designer
Seth Rozin
Production Manager
Tom Helmer
Stage Manager
Liv Shoup
Production Assistant

In 1834, 14-year-old Afong Moy becomes the first Chinese woman to set foot on U.S. soil, dreaming of bridging the two countries’ cultures with her political savvy and philosophical prowess. But as she delights curious white people with displays of her daily life, does her (side)show bridge the cultural gap or widen it?

“Piercing and intimate… By the end of Suh’s extraordinary play, we look at Afong and see whole centuries of American history” — New York Times

Sydney Norris
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
Kevin Hoover
Tech Director
Joel Sumner
General Manager at PSW


This Bitter Earth

A protest brought Jesse, an introspective Black playwright, together with his white boyfriend Neil, a Black Lives Matter activist. But as Neil immerses himself deeper in the movement, Jesse finds his choices challenged and their love on the line.

“One of the most ruthlessly truthful interracial love stories the American stage has seen” – DC Metro Theatre Arts 

by Harrison David Rivers
Directed by Tyrone L. Robinson


David Bazemore
Gabriel Elmore

Production Team

Sydney Norris
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
Kevin Hoover
Shop Foreman - PSW
Joel Sumner
General Manager - PSW
Zach Galloza
Production Assistant
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager
J Alex Cordaro

Fight Director

Harrison David Rivers
Tyrone L. Robinson
Colin McIlvaine
Set Designer
Shannon Zura
Lighting Designer
Katherine Fritz
Costume Designer
Jaedto Israel
Asst. Costume Designer
Larry Fowler
Sound Designer
Taj Rauch
Projection Designer
Colleen Hughes

Intimacy Director
Emily Smith
Tom Helmer
Stage Manager



When the resident theatre at a Jewish Community Center commissions a new play about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a Jordanian-Jewish playwright, the Center finds itself pulled in conflicting directions. In such polarized times when extreme voices threaten to pull an institution (or a country) off its foundation, how does one hold onto the center?

From the provocative playwright behind Human Rites and Two Jews Walk Into A War…

by Seth Rozin
A World Premiere Directed by David Winitsky


Steven Rishard
Cindy Gold
Emily Zacharias
Becca Khalil
Mitch Greenberg
Dan Hodge
Noah (replacement)

Tom Helmer

Stage Manager
Liv Shoup
Production Assistant
Sydney Norris
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
Kevin Hoover
Technical Director

Production Team

Seth Rozin
David Winitsky
Marie Laster
Set Designer
Liz Atkinson
Sound Designer
Josh Benghiat
Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre
Costume Designer
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager


72 Miles to Go…

72 miles. That’s what separates a recently deported mother in Nogales, Mexico and her husband and children in Tucson, Arizona. But the real distance stretches over eight years, two presidential administrations, graduations, anniversaries, the countless daily moments they spend apart—and the boundless love that unites them across borders.

“Dramatizes a heartbreaking predicament more often reduced to headlines and politicized in Washington debates” – Time Out New York

by Hilary Bettis
Directed by Erlina Ortiz & Seth Rozin


J Hernandez
Lorenza Bernasconi
Jerrick Medrano
Frank Jimenez
Anjoli Santiago

Eric Baker
Master Electrician
John Kolbinski
Audio Engineer
Kevin Hoover
Scene Shop
Chris Bratek

Scene Shop
Zach Galloza

Production Assistant
Kate Sparacio
Production Manager

Production Team

Hilary Bettis
Erlina Ortiz
Seth Rozin
Mellie Katakalo
Set Designer
Maria Shaplin
Lighting Designer
Asaki Kuruma
Costume Designer
Shannon Zura
Sound Designer
Kelly Palmer
Tom Helmer
Stage Manager

2019/2020 Season

Eureka Day

by Jonathan Spector
directed by Seth Rozin


Alexandra Espinoza
Leonard C. Haas
Dan Hodge
Bi Jean Ngo
Catharine K. Slusar

Production Team

Playwright Jonathan Spector
Director Seth Rozin
Janie E. Howland Set Designer
Marie Laster Asst Set Designer
Peter Whinnery Lighting Designer
Toby Pettit Sound Designer
Kat Wheary Props Designer
Katherine Fritz Costume Designer
Tom Helmer Stage Manager
Jess DeStefano Production Manager
Dorian Korein Asst Stage Manager

2018/2019 Season

Salt Pepper Ketchup

A World Premiere
Co-Production with Passage Theatre

by Josh Wilder
directed by Jerrell L. Henderson


Fenton Li
John Wu
Chuja Seo
Linda Wu
Miriam White
Richard Bradford
Jay Battle
Mark Christie
Justin Pietropaolo
Kendra Holloway

Production Team

Playwright Josh Wilder
Director Jerrell L. Henderson
Arielle Brown Dramaturg
Colin McIlvainie Set Designer
Marie Laster Asst Set Designer
Robin Stamey Lighting Designer
Larry Fowler Sound Designer
Tyler Tooker Props Designer
An-Lin Dauber Costume Designer
Tom Helmer Stage Manager
Jess DeStefano Production Manager
Lauren Tetlow Asst. Stage Manager

A layer of bulletproof glass won’t protect Superstar Chinese Take-Out owners from the gentrification consuming the Point Breeze neighborhood in South Philly. When a trendy food co-op opens nearby, the Wu’s and their customers initially see it as a hipster annoyance, but as tensions mount they begin to recognize the intrusion as an act of war. Tinged with genuine humor and pathos, Wilder’s play examines the very human consequences of neighborhood redevelopment -- who benefits and who gets chewed up and spit out?


Hype Man: A Break Beat Play

by Idris Goodwin
directed by Ozzie Jones


Carlo Campbell
Kyle Glenn
Bianca Sanchez
Peep One

Production Team

Idris Goodwin Playwright
Larry Fowler Composer
Ozzie Jones Director
Apollo Weaver Set Designer
Angela Myers Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre Costume Designer
Melissa Dunphy
Sound Designer
Emily Schuman Properties Designer
Tom Helmer Stage Manager
Jess DeStefano Production Manager
Kate Henderson Asst. Stage Manager
John Kolbinski Audio Technician
Elliot Konstant Master Electrician

Hype man Verb has been backing up front-man rapper Pinnacle since they were kids. Adding beatmaker Peep One to their group sparked a flame and now the interracial trio is flexing serious Hip-Hop muscle. But when an unarmed black teenager is shot by police, it forces the group to navigate issues of friendship and race. The latest from break beat poet and playwright Idris Goodwin (HOW WE GOT ON), HYPE MAN asks: what does it mean to be an ally, and who has the responsibility to speak up in the face of social injustice?



Dr. Harold Banks, an aging professor of Afghan studies in Nebraska, is reeling after his adopted daughter Getee is killed by the Taliban while delivering foreign aid. When Afghan refugee Nazrullah arrives at his door with an incredible story and carrying Getee's prized books, the two men form an unlikely bond. Each is searching for his own brand of forgiveness, but as their friendship develops, Naz accidentally exposes an unexpected source of Dr. Banks’ guilt. How might a CIA propaganda operation over 30 years ago have contributed to Getee’s death? Inspired by true events, HEARTLAND is a story of healing, connection, and the devastating unintentional consequences of our actions.

An InterAct Commission & NNPN Rolling World Premiere

by Gabriel Jason Dean
directed by Evren Odcikin


Tim Moyer*
Nazli Sarpkaya*
Yousof Sultani*

Production Team

Gabriel Jason Dean Playwright
Evren Odcikin Director
Humaira Ghilzai Cultural Consultant
Dirk Durosette Set Designer
Maria Shaplin Lighting Designer
Katherine Fritz Costume Designer
Michael Kiley Sound Designer
Kat Wheary Props Designer
Tom Helmer Stage Manager
Jess DeStefano Production Manager
Sam Volosky Asst. Stage Manager
John Allerheiligen Master Electrician
John Kolbinski Audio Engineer

The Great Leap

It's 1989 and Manford Lum, renowned for his basketball hustle in Chinatown, tries to talk his way on to a college team destined for a "friendship" game in China. Coach Saul blocks him hard, but Manford rebounds and launches himself on a journey to a homeland he's never known. Bouncing between Beijing and San Francisco, between 1989 and 1971, this clever and theatrical play looks at America’s arms-length relationship with Communist China and the post-Cultural Revolution through a story about two generations of basketball players. Smart, funny and heart-pumping, Lauren Yee's THE GREAT LEAP will have you on your feet for the final buzzer.

by Lauren Yee
directed by Seth Rozin


Richard Chan
Manford Lum
Scott Greer*
Justin Jain*
Wen Chang
Bi Jean Ngo*

Production Team

Lauren Yee Playwright
Seth Rozin Director
Mellie Katakalos Set Designer
Peter Whinnery Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre Costume Designer
Emily Schuman Properties Designer
Daniel Ison Sound Designer
Tom Helmer* Stage Manager
Jess DeStefano* Production Manager
John Allerheiligen Master Electrician
John Kolbinski Audio Technician
Claris Park Asst. Director
Kate Henderson Production Asst.

2017/2018 Season

Broken Stones

Based on an extremely true story. Fact: priceless artifacts were looted from The Baghdad Museum in 2003 during the Iraq War. Fact: A U.S. marine went in to investigate who was responsible. Everything else is open for interpretation. When a well-meaning veteran meets his ghostwriter, mythologies mix, truth is refashioned into click bait, and reality itself begins to shift. Kennedy’s world premiere is an intense, cinematic thriller that examines the appropriation of narrative and just what it means to print the legend.

A World Premiere

by Fin Kennedy
directed by Seth Rozin


Charlotte Northeast
The Writer
Rand Guerrero
Steven Wright
Nazli Sarpkaya
Nadia/Polonsky/Zahra/Nina/Kerry/ Maria
Joe Guzmán
Peter Bisgaier* 
Collins/Sinan/The Director/Simon
Daniel Barland 
Najla Said* 

Production Team

Fin Kennedy Playwright
Seth Rozin Director
Kittson O'Neill Dramaturg
Nick Embree Set Designer
Larry Fowler Sound Designer
Peter Whinnery Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre Costume Designer
Emily Schuman Properties Designer
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct
Philadelphia Scenic Works Scene Shop
Christa Federico Assistant Stage Manager


Sensitive Guys

Is it enough just to be “working on your sh*t?” In the safe spaces of a small liberal arts college, the student-led Men’s Peer Education Group and women’s Survivor Support Group work together on an ambitious plan to eradicate all sexual violence everywhere in just five years. They've got it all together -- until an incident throws their ideals into question. Five female and non-binary performers inhabit both male and female roles in this social satire about complicity and what it really takes to face the patriarchy.

A World Premiere

by MJ Kaufman
directed by Evren Odcikin


Eli Lynn
Bi Jean Ngo
Lexie Braverman
Jack M. Henry
Admissions Officer/Will/Leslie
Brett Robinson

Production Team

MJ Kaufman Playwright
Evren Odcikin Director
Erin Washburn Dramaturg
Melpomene Katakalos Set Designer
Shannon Zura Sound Designer
Maria Shaplin Lighting Designer
Katherine Fritz Costume Designer
John Wendling Properties Designer
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Tom Helmer Stage Manager
Philadelphia Scenic Works Scene Shop
Claris Park Assistant Stage Manager


Human Rites

A new play inspired by the work of Dr. Richard Shweder and the lived experiences of Dr. Fuambai Sia Ahmadu. Michaela, an African American dean at a major American university, summons Alan, a renowned professor of cultural psychology, in response to student protest over his controversial paper on female initiation rites in sub-Saharan Africa. But dormant feelings from an affair years earlier turn a heated argument over science and cultural pluralism into a knock-down, drag-out fight. Rozin’s provocative play shatters the ivory tower of academia, upending questions of privilege and Western morality.

Nominated for the 2018 Virginia Brown Martin Philadelphia Award

by Seth Rozin
directed by Harriet Power


Kimberly S. Fairbanks
Joe Guzman
Lynnette Freeman

Production Team

Seth Rozin Playwright
Harriet Power Director
Kittson O'Neill Dramaturg
Colin McIlvaine Set Designer
Jerry Forsyth Lighting Designer
Lizzy Pecora Costume Designer
Daniel Kontz Sound Designer
John Wendling Properties
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct
Philadelphia Scenic Works Scene Shop
D'Arcy Dersham Dialect Coach
Paige Zubel Production Assistant

2016/2017 Season

You For Me For You

North Korean sisters Minhee and Junhee are torn apart at the border as they attempt to flee the “Best Nation in the World.” Each must race across time and space to be together again—navigating the perilous “Land of the Free” and the treacherous terrain of personal belief. Chung’s fantastical, humor-filled play is a kaleidoscope of imagery and beauty, casting light on the darkness of a secretive regime while simultaneously illuminating American values from a unique perspective.

Winner: 2017 Barrymore Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress, Hillary Parker

by Mia Chung
directed by Rick Shiomi


Bi Jean Ngo Minhee
Mina Kawahara Junhee
Hillary Parker Liz
Justin Jain Doctor/Smuggler/All Citizens of the Well
Dwayne Thomas Man From The South

Production Team

Mia Chung Playwright
Rick Shiomi Director
Jungwoong Kim Choreographer
Melpomene Katakalos Set Designer
Peter Whinnery Lighting Designer
Shannon Zura Sound Designer
Susan Smythe Costume Designer
Amanda Hatch Properties Designer
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct
Erin Washburn  Co-Dramaturg
Paige Zubel  Co-Dramaturg
StoneDog Studios Set Fabrication



When an American fighter pilot becomes unexpectedly pregnant, she is reassigned to operate military drones from a windowless trailer outside Las Vegas.  By day, she hunts terrorists with signature dexterity and ferocity. By night, she enjoys a quiet family life in suburbia.  But as the pressure to track a high-profile target mounts, the boundaries begin to blur between the desert in which she lives and the one she patrols half a world away.

Nominated for 3 2017 Barrymore Awards

by George Brant
directed by Kathryn MacMillan



Kittson O'Neill THE PILOT

Production Team

George Brant Playwright
Kathryn MacMillan Director
NIck Embree Set Designer
Rob Kaplowitz Sound Designer
Masha Tsimring Lighting Designer
Jill Keys Costume Designer
Amanda Hatch Properties Designer
Dany Guy Production Manager
Stone Dog Studios Technical Direction
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct
Paige Zubel Assistant Dramaturg



A World Premiere

What does it mean to be radical? Marcus/Emma mashes together two of American History's wildest activist leaders - Jewish Anarchist Emma Goldman and Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey - and launches them into a no-holds-barred, sex-fueled, bloody-minded battle to rekindle the smouldering flames of their legacies. Core Playwright alum Mary Tuomanen's vibrant voice brings the political passion, tender humanity, and savage humor of Goldman and Garvey to life in a timely play that challenges the audience to continually question what it means to be American.

Nominated for 3 2017 Barrymore Awards, including the Independence Foundation Award for Outstanding New Play 

by Mary Tuomanen
directed by Rebecca Wright


Akeem Davis Marcus Garvey
Susan Reilly Stevens Emma Goldman

Production Team

marcus emma.jpg

Mary Tuomanen Playwright
Rebecca Wright Director
Erin Washburn Co-Dramaturg
Paige Zubel Co-Dramaturg
Sara Outing Set Designer
Elizabeth Atkinson Sound Designer
Maria Shaplin Lighting Designer
Sydney Maresca Costume Designer
Amanda Hatch Properties Designer
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Stone Dog Studios Technical Direction
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct


Dogs Of Rwanda

At 16 years old David found himself in Uganda as a church missionary. When he follows the girl of his dreams into the woods to help a Rwandan boy he enters a world from which he will never escape. On the 20th anniversary of the genocide, a book David wrote regarding his experiences arrives with a note from the boy he tried to save: “There are untruths here." What David omitted will haunt him the rest of his life.

A National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere

by Sean Christopher Lewis
performed by Dan Hodge
directed by Maura Krause

Dan Hodge (10).JPG


Dan Hodge David

Production Team

Sean Christopher Lewis Playwright
Maura Krause Director
Adrena Williams Dramaturg
Dylan Wallace Lighting Design
Elle Safer Stage Manager

Performed in repertory with How To Use A Knife
Set Design by Colin McIlvaine



In the raw, ever-pumping, kitchen of a busy Wall Street restaurant, George -- a master chef with a dark and tortured past -- rules over his crew with the swagger of a giant.  While grappling his inner demons, George has to manage two Guatemalan cooks, a nosy busboy, and an a-hole of a boss. But he forges an unlikely personal connection with the dishwasher, Steve, a mysteriously reserved  African immigrant.  Fast-paced and gritty, Snider’s pressure-cooker drama explores both the personal and moral questions that arise when the ugliness of the past boils over.

Winner: 2017 Independence Foundation Barrymore Award for Outstanding New Play

Nominated for 5 Barrymore Awards, including Outstanding Overall Production of a Play    

A National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere

by Will Snider
directed by Seth Rozin


Scott Greer George
Lindsay Smiling Steve
Jered McLenigan Michael
J Hernandez Carlos
Angel Sigala Miguel
Trevor William Fayle Jack
Maria Konstantinidis Kim

Production Team

Will Snider Playwright
Seth Rozin Director
Kittson O'Neill Dramaturg
Colin McIlvaine Set Designer
Larry Fowler Sound Designer
Robin Stamey Lighting Designer
Natalia de la Torre Costume Designer
Emily Schuman Properties Designer
Lauren Tracy Production Manager
Tom Helmer Stage Manager/InterAct
Paige Zubel Dramaturg
Stone Dog Studios Scene Shop
Esther Cohen Assistant Director
Jeremy Jason Assistant Lighting Designer
Dylan Wallace Assistant Stage Manager

2015/2016 Season


A World Premiere

by Kristoffer Diaz
directed by Seth Rozin


Brett Ashley Robinson The Revolution
Mary Tuomanen The Witness
Anita Holland The Muscle
Stephanie N. Walters Aurora
Richard Chan Harvey/Charlie


Colin Mcilvaine Set Design
Katherine Fritz Costume Design
Peter Whinnery Lighting Design
Christopher Colucci Sound Design

After an impulsive, social‐media driven, revolution upends inequality in America, two young women try to navigate the unforeseen challenges that come with driving out the “powers‐that‐be”, when they are swiftly thrust into newly-acquired roles as leaders. As they recognize the ability to compel people to adhere to their own brand of social justice they start to investigate just what else it is they can do.


Straight White Men


by Young Jean Lee
directed by Matt Pfeiffer


Dan Kern Ed
Tim Dugan Jake
Kevin Meehan Drew
Steven Rishard Matt


Shannon Zura Lighting Design
Samina Vieth Set Design
Alison Roberts Costume Design
Larry D. Fowler, Jr. Sound Design

Every Christmas, Ed and his three sons get together, eat Chinese takeout, and unleash well-worn inside jokes while reminiscing about their unusual childhood. But this holiday season they are forced to consider a pivotal cultural reality underneath their constructed lives. Part deeply comedic social artifact, part emotional time-bomb, all framed in the context of a typical "living room" drama, Lee’s funny and moving play ultimately poses this tantalizing question: What does it mean to do the “right thing” as a straight white man?


The Nether


by Jennifer Haley
directed by Seth Rozin


Bi Jean Ngo Morris
Greg Wood Sims
Tim Moyer Doyle
Griffin Stanton-Ameisen Woodnut
Iris Emi Branes-Huff


Janus Stefanowicz Costume Design
Melpomene Katakalos Set Design
Rob Kaplowitz Sound Design
Maria Shaplin Lighting Design

In a dystopian future, a young detective investigates cyber-ethical crimes perpetrated in an addictive virtual universe. When an alluring suspect conjures up the disturbing real-world consequences of depraved online desires, Haley’s thrilling futurist parable incites a relentless search for what is tangible inside the ether of the net. 

Nominated for 3 2016 Barrymore Awards, including Outstanding Overall Production of a Play

2014/2015 Season



A World Premiere

by Christopher Chen
directed by Rick Shiomi


Ames Adamson Bob
Jessica DalCanton Joyce
Justin Jain Lin Bo
Bi Jean Ngo Wang Min
Christie Parker Curator


Elizabeth Atkinson Sound Design
Rachel Coon Costume Design
Mellie Katakalos Set Design
Bill Ng Visual Designer
Kittson O’Neill Dramaturg
Erin Washburn Assistant Dramaturg
Peter Whinnery Lighting Design

Chinese artist Lin Bo's harrowing tale of imprisonment has the world standing at attention--but when cracks appear in his story and accusations fly, his claims transform into a labyrinthine exploration of truth, art, appropriation, and justice where nothing is what it seems.

Winner: 2015 Independence Foundation Barrymore Award for Outstanding New Play


The Dangerous House of Pretty Mbane

An InterAct World Premiere

by Jen Silverman
directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh


Eric Berryman Marcel
Ross Beschler Gregory
Akeem Davis Sicelo
Lynnette R. Freeman Pretty Mbane
Aimé Donna Kelly Noxolo


Katherine Fritz Costume Design
Carolyn Mraz Set Design
Dan Perelstein Sound Design
Maria Shaplin Lighting Design

In this beautiful and haunting play, South African soccer phenomenon Noxolo has found safety and freedom in England--but when her activist lover Pretty Mbane goes missing during the world Cup, Noxolo’s search brings her face to face with the demons of her past and her country’s blind eye towards violence against women. 

Commissioned by InterAct in 2011
Winner: 2014 Kennedy Center Paula Vogel Award in Playwriting
Winner: 2015 Virginia Brown Martin Philadelphia Award


Uncanny Valley

A World Premiere

by Thomas Gibbons
directed by Seth Rozin


Sally Mercer Claire
Frank X Julian


Christopher Colucci Sound Design
Nick Embree Set Design
Susan Smythe Costume Design
Peter Whinnery Lighting Design

From the ingenious mind behind Permanent Collection comes the story of Julian, the newest advancement in artificial intelligence, and Claire, the woman tasked with teaching him how to be human. 


The Three Christs of Manhattan

A World Premiere

Written by Seth Rozin
Directed by Seth Rozin & Kittson O’Neill


Judith Lightfoot Clarke Three
Akeem Davis Two
Dan Hodge One
Leah Walton Dr. Posner


Katherine Fritz Costume Design
Rob Kaplowitz Sound Design
Colin McIlvaine Set Design
Shannon Zura Lighting Design

In this absurdist comedy of ideas, Dr. Posner, a neurotic, atheist Jewish psychiatrist, is visited by three people claiming to be Jesus Christ, each convinced they need to make their case as the Messiah to save Dr. P's soul--or at least avoid the loony bin.